Monday, August 30, 2010

Introducing Starbucks

Starbucks is a caffine-driven, multinational company that is focused on perfecting, brewing, and selling the perfect cup of coffee.  Opertaing more than 16,000 stores in over 50 countries, Starbucks takes pride in serving the highest quality coffee grown and brewed under ethical and envrionmentally friendly practices. The company's mission "to inspire and nuture the human spirit- one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time," is demonstrated through the organization's culture. Ethical sourcing, environmental stewardship, and community involvment are all facets that President and CEO Charles Schultz find necessary to remain a responsible corporation.

The company is governed by a board of directors consisiting of nine members, both male and female. As the company continues to grow so does their menu; Starbucks now offers an extensive line of coffees, teas, breakfast foods, and health snacks. With great success in recent years, the company has developed an enormous amount of brand power. Customers often associate a good cup of coffee with Starbucks. Perhaps this same brand power is what helped create such a loyal customer base for the company. "To say Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees is very true. That’s the essence of what we do – but it hardly tells the whole story."

Stock price at close of business 08/30/10- SBUX $23.43

1 comment:

  1. Starbuck's, caffeine-driven. When I was a grad student, my advisor said I should just have it directly injected into my bloodstream because he never saw me without a cup of coffee. There was a Starbuck's on my way to campus and I stopped often for a Cafe Au Lait.
